Öffentlicher Brief an die EU-Kommission: Zum Gedenken an den Holocaust
1st of February 2023
Dear President Von der Leyen,
Dear Commissioner Schinas,
Dear Commissioner Gabriel,
Every year, on or around the 27th of January, we Members of the European Parliament, commemorate the International Holocaust Remembrance Day to honour the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and millions of other victims of Nazism, targeted due to their ethnicity, disability, race, sexual orientation or beliefs.
The designation of January 27 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a date marking the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, is stablished by the UN General Assembly resolution 60/7. Such resolution also supports the development of educational programs to remember the Holocaust and to prevent further genocide, and to actively preserve sites that the Nazis used for the infamous „Final Solution”.
Indeed, we believe the best way to honour the victims of the Holocaust is to ensure that such a horror never happens again. All Europeans and, in particular, future generations, must be fully aware of the despicable acts and crimes, as well as the socio-political conditions that enabled them.
As President Metsola said in her International Holocaust Remembrance Day speech on 26/01/2023, “it is our responsibility to remember and to pass-down testimonies to future generations. To educate.” She added during the inauguration of the Holocaust Memorial on the same day, “Nothing compares to the experience of visiting Auschwitz”. Indeed, we believe that nothing can substitute a visit to a death and concentration camps, where the painful memory of the Holocaust becomes tangible. This is why we propose the development of a dedicated EU action to ensure that all European youth have the opportunity to visit one of these sites.
While such educational visits are common in some countries, such as Germany or Austria, not all EU countries do so. Yet, the experience of the Holocaust is European in nature. For example, more than 75,000 Jews living in France, at least 100,000 Jews from the Netherlands, 40,000 Jews from Salonika, in northern Greece, 8,000 Jews from northern Italy, 7,000 Croat Jews, and well above 1.1 million Jews from Central Europe were deported to death and concentration camps. Also, many others Europeans, for example, around 9,328 Spaniards were deported to the camps. It is estimated that as many as 23,000 Roma and Sinti were deported to Auschwitz, that over 20,000 of them were murdered there. This is a story of European victims and executioners, thus a European story, one that all Europeans must know.
Youth mobility is one of the greatest and most cherished achievements of the European Union. Building on its expertise, and on the basis of our shared European values, we are convinced that an EU action for secondary schools, enabling students to visit at least one Nazi or Nazi-allied death and concentration camp in Europe during their schooling years, should become a staple of EU action.
With Kind regards,
- Hannes Heide, MEP S&D, Austria
- Domenec Ruiz Devesa, MEP S&D, Spain
- Othmar Karas, First Vice-President of the European Parliament, MEP EPP, Austria
- Evelyn Regner, Vice-President of the European Parliament, MEP S&D, Austria
- Marc Angel, Vice-President of the European Parliament, MEP S&D, Luxembourg
- Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Vice-President of the European Parliament, MEP The Left, Greece
- Michaela Sojdrova, MEP EPP, Czech Republik
- Massimiliano Smeriglio, MEP S&D, Italy
- Guy Verhofstadt, MEP Renew, Belgium
- Mikuláš Peksa, MEP Greens/EFA, Czech Republic
- Martina Michels, MEP The Left, Germany
- Fabio Massimo Castaldo, MEP Non-attached, Italy
- Peter Pollák, MEP EPP, Slovakia
- Petra Kammerevert, MEP S&D, Germany
- Samira Rafaela, MEP Renew
- Ernest Urtasun, MEP Greens/EFA, Spain
- Helmut Scholz, MEP The Left, Germany
- Emmanouíl Frágkos, MEP ECR, Greece
- Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou, MEP EPP, Greece
- Andreas Schieder, MEP S&D, Austria
- Ilana Cicurel, MEP Renew, France
- Jordi Solé, MEP Greens/EFA, Spain
- Petros Kokkalis, MEP The Left, Greece
- Bert-Jan Ruissen, MEP ECR, Netherlands
- Martin Buschmann, MEP Non-attached, Germany
- Angelika Winzig, MEP EPP, Austria
- Róbert Hajšel, MEP S&D, Slovakia
- Charles Goerens, MEP Renew, France
- Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, MEP Greens/EFA, Germany
- Cornelia Ernst, MEP The Left, Germany
- Márton Gyöngyösi, MEP Non-attached, Hungary
- Cristian Terheș, MEP ECR, Romania
- Antonio López-Istúriz White, MEP EPP, Spain
- Attila Ara-Kovács, MEP S&D, Hungary
- Petras Auštrevičius, MEP Renew, Lithuania
- François Alfonsi, MEP Greens/EFA, France
- Tatjana Ždanoka, MEP Non-attached, Latvia
- Lukas Mandl, MEP EPP, Austria
- Dietmar Köster, MEP S&D, Germany
- Laurence Farreng, MEP Renew, France
- Benoît Biteau, MEP Greens/EFA, France
- Benoît Lutgen, MEP EPP, Belgium
- Jonás Fernández, MEP S&D, Spain
- Izaskun Bilbao, MEP Renew, Spain
- Dennis Radtke, MEP EPP, Germany
- Günther Sidl, MEP S&D, Austria
- Bart Groothuis, MEP Renew, Netherlands
- Damien Carême, MEP Greens/EFA, France
- Simone Schmiedtbauer, MEP EPP, Austria
- Milan Brglez, MEP S&D, Slovenia
- Olivier Chastel, MEP Renew, Belgium
- David Cormand, MEP Greens/EFA, France
- Radosław Sikorski, MEP EPP, Poland
- Thijs Reuten, MEP S&D, Netherlands
- Dacian Cioloș, MEP Renew, Romania
- Karima Delli, MEP Greens/EFA, France
- Christian Sagartz, MEP EPP, Austria
- Pedro Silva Pereira, MEP S&D, Portugal
- Javier Nart, MEP Renew, Spain
- Claude Gruffat, MEP Greens/EFA, France
- Isabel Santos, MEP S&D, Portugal
- Yannick Jadot, MEP Greens/EFA, France
- José Ramón Bauzá Díaz, MEP Renew, Spain
- Cyrus Engerer, MEP S&D, Malta
- Michèle Rivasi, MEP Greens/EFA, France
- César Luena, MEP S&D, Spain
- Katalin Cseh, MEP Renew, Hungary
- Caroline Roose, MEP Greens/EFA, France
- Isabel Carvalhais, MEP S&D, Portugal
- Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield, MEP Greens/EFA, France
- Margarida Marques, MEP S&D, Portugal
- Mounir Satouri, MEP Greens/EFA, France
- Carmen Avram, MEP S&D, Romania
- Marie Toussaint, MEP Greens/EFA, France
- Udo Bullmann, MEP S&D, Germany
- Ana Miranda, MEP Greens/EFA, Spain
- Jens Geier, MEP S&D, Germany
- Saskia Bricmont, MEP Greens/EFA, Belgium
- Matjaž Nemec, MEP S&D Slovenia
- Francisco Guerreiro, MEP Greens/EFA, Portugal
- Predrag Fred Matić, MEP S&D, Croatia
- Tilly Metz, MEP Greens/EFA, Luxembourg
- Monika Beňová, MEP S&D, Slovakia
- Daniel Freund, MEP Greens / EFA, Germany
- Patrizia Toia, MEP S&D, Italy
- Aurore Lalucq, MEP S&D, France
- Sylvie Guillaume, MEP S&D, France
- Ibán Garcia del Blanco, MEP S&D, Spain
- Sara Cerdas, MEP S&D, Portugal
- Juan Fernando López Aguilar MEP S&D, Spain
- Raphaël Glucksmann, MEP S&D, France
- Cristina Maestre, MEP S&D, Spain
- Estrella Durá MEP S&D, Spain
- Attila Ara-Kovács, MEP S&D, Hungary
- Csaba Molnár, MEP S&D, Hungary
- Sándor Rónai MEP S&D, Hungary
- Klára Dobrev MEP S&D, Hungary
- Nicolás González Casares MEP S&D, Spain
- Iban García del Blanco MEP S&D, Spain
- Clara Aguilera, MEP S&D, Spain
- Pietro Bartolo, MEP S&D, Italy
- Adriana Maldonado, MEP S&D, Spain
- Alicia Homs, MEP S&D, Spain
- Javi López, MEP S&D, Spain
- Marcos Ros Sempere, MEP S&D, Spain
- Tomasz Frankowski, MEP EPP, Poland
- Theresa Bielowski, MEP S&D, Austria
- Matthias Ecke, MEP S&D, Germany
- Franc Bogovič, MEP EPP, Slovenia
- Monika Vana, MEP Greens, Austria
- Sarah Wiener, MEP Greens, Austria
- Thomas Waitz, MEP Greens, Austria